Jason Bonham Unveils Plans For The Led Zeppelin Experience

Will Led Zep join him on the tor?   13-Aug-10

Jason Bonham hasn't released many details of his Led Zeppelin tribute tour, as yet he hasn't even revealed who will be playing with him in the Zep Experience.

But in an interview with Billboard.com, Bonham discussed his plans for content of the tour.

“What I want to do is a personal story,” Bonham explained, the live tour will feature archive footage of Zeppelin.The legendary drummer's son will also narrate the footage to “give a little background on them and the reason why I’m playing them, and stories about growing up with dad and how Zeppelin has been part of my life from the beginning. It’s a good musical journey. It’ll be sad at times... but it will really be a celebration.”

As for whether the remaining members of the Led Zep troupe will join Bonham on tour, speculation remains.

“I will invite them to every show I can, because my goal and dream is, ‘Wouldn't it be cool if I did something that they thought was cool and they would get up and play with me?’ That’s what I’m doing [this] for. I’d love it.”

In this Youtube video Led Zep and Jason Bonham talk about their shared history.

Rich Beech



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