Arturia Update Synclavier V To Version 2.0

US Sampling and resynthesis engine      13/10/18

Arturia have updated their Synclavier V to version 2.0, which like the original hardware and its many options, now has some of those recreated in the new version.

New features Include:

Drag and Drop Sampler
Load in samples by simply dragging and dropping, and play them back with vintage digital grain and pitch scaling. Samples of up to 30 seconds can be imported and processed using Synclavier V’s effects and routing, perfect for creating retro sampled keys and pitched-down pads.

Resynthesis Engine
Once a sample is loaded, Synclavier V can now analyze the spectral content of the sample and - using a mixture of wavetable and FM synthesis - mimic the sound using resynthesis. Key points in the sample can be identified and manipulated manually to refine the synth patch, and then every parameter can be controlled using Synclavier V’s powerful synth engine. Create entire instruments from just one sample!

Lots More Presets
Arturia’s sound design team have been busy creating hundreds of new presets for you to enjoy in Synclavier V version 2, showing off some of the key new features to get you inspired. On top of that, the updated version includes a selection of the original New England Digital sample library files for that authentic touch.

Sumclavier V can be purchased as part of the V Collection 6 or as a single instrument at €149. Existing Synclavier V owners can download the update for free.

  • New resynthesis engine with up to 100 analysis points
  • Sample playback mode
  • Timeline improvements, including doubling frames from 50 to 100; added global frame speed offset; a new frame tuning parameter; new loop mode; frames can now be synced to host BPM grid; the ability to move only one frame on the timeline by Shift + Drag; and refined Solo/Copy/Paste/ Delete timeline workflow.
  • Modulation tab improvements, including the addition of Vibrato and Stereo LFO; and Amp and Harmonic envelopes added as modulation sources.
  • Keyboard dynamics improvements
  • Ability to choose Keyboard, Velocity or Mod Wheel as input sources
  • New copy/paste modes: only one selected tab or all tabs
  • Cosmetics improvements, including LFOs in screen view, envelopes global offsets, tabs order, merge FX and setting pages, timeline real time feedback, ruler auto-zoom, envelopes and timeline bound scroll.
  • New opening mode for hardware upper panel
  • Harmonic phase histograms are now displayed in degrees (-179°/+180°)
  • Additional template presets with a HQ Simple Sine
  • Presets revamped with volume leveling and assignation of mod wheel and sustain pedal
  • All former settings page parameters are now stored in presets

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