Podcast: Sonic TALK 628 - Wait - Latency Where?

US MPC Beats, MIDI Timing, Nord Modular, Tiny Techno System      23/07/20

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63:53 mins


  • Ty Unwin- media composer, producer, orchestrator


iZotope Stutter Edit 2WIN iZOTOPE Stutter Edit 2 - Tweet #rhythmicgestures #stutteredit2 to @sonicstate @iZotopeinc 

Stutter Edit 2 lets you create the famous "stutter" editing effect with one button to slice and dice your samples, tracks, and mixes. Fire off rhythmic gestures, sweeping filters, glitchy effects, or everything at once.

Please check out our new Freeze Machines Racks for Ableton Live - lush, atmospheric frozen reverb textures:

Where to Watch/Listen - We now stream the live show to Youtube LiveFacebook Live as well as at Sonicstate.com/live every Weds at 4pm UK time- please do join in.
Preshow available on Twitch.
You can also download the audio version from RSS FEED 

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