3000 Free Sounds For The Arturia SQ-80V

US Original ES-Q1 and SQ-80 Sysex files converted      14/11/21

I recently reviewed the excellent Arturia SQ-80V and have since discovered the possibility of loading patches made for the original synth, and the ES-Q1 thanks to a video by Starsky Carr. These are original SYSEX patches which were converted for the free VST emulation of the SQ-80, SQ8L made by Siegfried Kullmann which is still available here.

The original post on GearSpace outlines their origination in more detail. As he mentions, they have no modulations or effects defined, but what better opportunity to craft your own variations?! An immense catalogue to get your hands on and a credit to the Arturia team for enabling this backwards compatibility! There's also a comparison video of the Arturia plugin vs the original SQ-80 here:


About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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