Tape Notes Podcast

US The art and craft of music production      27/08/22

Tape Notes Podcast

There are many music podcasts out there, so many that we gave a run down of some favourites last year. Tape Notes is new to me, but it's clear they're on a trajectory for the top, with some absolutely massive guests already. Guests include Finneas, The Chainsmokers, Jon Hopkins, Fred Again, Bicep, DJ Shadow...and some exciting ones on the way.

Hosted by John Kennedy, each episode reunites an artist and producer to talk about the highlights of their collaboration in the studio.

Their conversations lift the lid on every stage of the creative process, from kindling the first spark of a song idea, through decisions on style and instrumentation, to finessing the final product. Full of fascinating anecdotes, the conversations also feature early demo versions and stems from the original session recordings. The result is a unique insight into the working methods of some of the most innovative and exciting talents in music. 

Plenty to catch up on - and we're excited to see more from them in the coming series! All the details are on their website: tapenotes.co.uk/


About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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