Podcast: Sonic TALK 763 - iCon V1M, Artiphon Chorda - Johnny Cache Sings Barbie

US And more      20/07/23

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65:7 mins


  • Yoad Nevo - producer, mix engineer plugin developer

For preshow and Ad free version and much more: Patreon.com/sonicstate

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Where to Watch/Listen - We now stream the live show to Youtube Live,  Facebook Live as well as at  Sonicstate.com/live every Weds at 4pm UK time- please do join in.

00:00:16 SHOW START
00:02:10 AD: Patreon
00:10:32 Icon V1M New Style MCU
00:25:22 AD: iZotope Music Essentials
00:30:08 EMOM Dates
00:30:30 Chorda From Artiphon
00:39:33 Johnny Cash Sings
Preshow available on Twitch.
You can also download the audio version from RSS FEED 

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