Synth Site |  Kawai |  K5 Synthesizer

  K5 Synthesizer At a Glance
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Anonymous writes:
Martin Mason ( writes:
Thin ethereal, tempermental. Sound creation is a process of chaotic morphing. Lots of synth horse-power very cheap. Sounds differnet then the d10/whatever that is so prevelent. Noisy outputs but that may just be a feature of my unit.

Paul Vetrone ( ) writes:
just purchased mine for $350 like new with RAM card and manual. Ram storage expands patch memory Visual display of most parameters ie harmonics, envelopes, EQ decent MIDI implementation for 87'ish synth Additive synthesis at a decent price so far I've programmed some cool analog style sweep/modulated pads great for intos and fill ins

Comments About the Sounds:
Lots of programming options 128 harmonics, on-board 11band eq versatile modulation routings

Links for the Kawai K5 Synthesizer
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
My studio site(come seeeeee) Free Mp3 and midi files
The Kawai room at History and technical information about Kawai instruments.
K-5 editor for the mac A bit hard to find...mail me if the ftp goes down (which i assume it will eventually).
The Patch King The Worlds Largest 3rd Party Synth & Sampler Developers. Thousands of New Sounds for over 100 Synths & Samplers on Floppy, CD-ROM or Zip Disks.
K5 Information Download and more A Webpage dedicated to the Kawai K5 Synthesizer
Kfuenf - the new Kawai K5 Geek Page You can find here patches, infos, howtos for programming patches, a download area (mac and pc) , a free librarian and a Kawai K5 forum.
K5m info @ description, photo, MP3 sounds, links
Apple Mac repair in Exeter, devon, UK Vitalized repair and service Apple Mac's in Exeter Devon UK
The complete K5 User Group K5 Manuals, software, enthusiasts, everything you need and more
The complete K5 User Group K5 Manuals, software, enthusiasts, everything you need and more

Try the Kawai links page for more..

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