Danger Mouse Is Beck

US New Album Gets The DM Treatment      15/06/08

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Danger Mouse has sprinkled his knob twiddling magic dust on Beck’s latest album Modern Guilt, to be released on July 8 via DGC in the States and XL Recordings in Europe.

Best known for his Grey Album mash-up, the prolific producer has been behind many successful projects in the noughties including collaborations with The Gorillaz, The Rapture, Sparklehorse, Cee-Lo, The Good The Bad and The Queen, The Black Keys and of course Gnarls Barkley.

Recent projects also include the Blue Gold album for Martina Topley-Bird (Now, remind me...is she the next Amy Whinehouse or the one after? Yawn.)

The Beck album is already being hailed as a return to innovative form after disappointingly more-of-the-same-old-stuff albums like Guero and The Information.

But judge for yourself as we offer two ways to get a glimpse into the new set with a live version of Modern Guilt (above) and a download of Chemtrails from Beck’s MySpace page.

Beck begins a summer tour June 25 in Hove, Norway. The tour will conclude September 20 at Los Angeles' Hollywood Bowl, with support from Spoon and MGMT.

The Modern Guilt tracklist is as follows:

Gamma Ray
Modern Guilt
Soul of a Man
Profanity Prayers
Simon Power

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