Tweet My Song Helps Your Promote Music On Twitter

US Upload, Tweet & Track      26/10/09

Tweet My Song Helps Your Promote Music On Twitter

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Affilliate Links help support the site is a new service that lets musicians promote their music through Twitter.

The site lets you log on using your existing Twitter account.

Once logged in, you can:

  • Upload a song;
  • Choose to make it downloadable or just playable online;
  • Give it a song title and artist name;
  • Write a "tweet" to be sent to twitter, announcing the new upload; and
  • Upload art for the track.

Once uploaded, the site lets you track unique listens, total listens and downloads.

The site is straightforward, but doesn't do much for listeners wanting to discover new music at the site. TweetMySong offers a Most Unique Listens list, but doesn't make it easy to find the latest tracks uploaded in a particular genre, or new tracks by people you follow on Twitter.

TweetMySong is a free, ad-supported service.


James Lewin
Twitter @podcasting_news

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