Podcast: Sonic TALK155 - Whats That Dreadful Music?

US Sherman Filterbank, Switched on music, Angus SG and SoundSlate      26/11/09

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64:15 mins

Thanksgiving week for our stateside chums - however even though everyone is shopping for turkeys or travelling to relatives, PJ Tracy -  EMMY winning musician from Minneapolis finds the time, as do our Brit panel members Mark Tinley - sound artist and creative thinker, and Dave Spiers - from GForce Software.

We start with a look at the interview with Herman Gillis, creator of the Sherman Filterbank, then we take questions on the Korg Wavedrum X, which we just published a review, then its any excuse to play AC/DC - with the Angus Young SG edition and artist models in general,  we then enjoy discovering the  phenomenom that is Switched on covers albums with Dave admitting a certain obsession with the genre, finally it the OpenLabs SoundSlate and where computers for content creators is going generally.

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