Podcast: SONIC TALK 216 - Lick The Screen Clean

US Product vids, paper turntable, Leipzig, Diego does DTS      05/05/11

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70:40 mins

   Rich Hilton -  from camp Chic where he mans the controls for Nile Rodgers' private studio. 
   Dave Spiers - GforceSoftware.com
  Gaz Williams - SongSurgeon.co.uk


Another fun week for all as we take a look at the latest Jetdaisuke NanoPad2 video, the WaveDrum Mini transducer, a paper record player invite the Analog Solutions Leipzig, Diego Stocco's excellent making of DTS video and the add-on MotionCOMMAND touchscreen system.

Show Sponsor
YamahaSynth.com - Yamaha do mixers - we're talking the N Series N8 and N12 Firewire equipped recording mixers.

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