Awesome but Bonkers: A Sink In The Shape of a Guitar

It's every aspiring rock star's dream... maybe   06-Oct-12

Awesome but Bonkers: A Sink In The Shape of a Guitar

So put yourself in the following situation... You're getting ready for a gig, you need the following things:

  • Guitar
  • Backup guitar
  • Pedal board
  • Amp
  • Pack of smokes
  • Hip flask full of bourbon
You could say that you packed everything except for the KITCHEN SINK... Yeah? Do you get it? Shall I get my coat?

Basically, a company specialising in bespoke concrete kitchen parts has built possibly one of the coolest bits of home installation you will ever see - a sink in the shape of a guitar.

Check out some of the pictures of the Custom Guitar Sink below, built by Pearidge Concrete. Kudos to those guys:

From another angle:

And here's another photo from the Pearidge Concrete guys, who are obviously fans of Instagram:

Perhaps there's a bigger market for these, there could be Les Paul shaped sinks, and Telecaster shaped sinks, as well as maybe a totally impractical Flying V shaped sink.

What shaped sink would you have if you had one of these in your home? 
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