Interview: Callum Williams - One To Watch Out For

Callum's had an incredibly promising start to his career, but what's next?   02-Mar-13

Callum Williams is just 13-years-old, and he's already endorsed by Orange, and has 2000 subscribers on Youtube. He's writing music for a major release film, and he has every intention of making a career out of his music.

We featured him as our YouTube guitarist of the week back in early February, and we were impressed at his phrasing and ear for tone. Callum is way beyond his years when it comes to music; a mature and measured guitarist who shows all the signs that he could go on to do great things.

We caught up with Callum to chat about his early success in his career, and to ask what the future holds in store for him...

Hi Callum, first off, tell us why you first picked up a guitar, and how long you've been playing.

"Well I picked the guitar up when I was nine years old I'm 13 now, my father plays a little and encouraged me to play and taught me the basics.

"My Dad started taking me for guitar lessons at, I have two hours a month in lessons with Paul my guitar teacher."

What was it that made you want to play guitar in the first place?

"My Father was always playing Satch and Vai CDs and I guess I wanted to be like them one day, my dad took to me to see Joe in concert I met up with him and he signed my guitar!"

You're one of the youngest guitarists we've seen to get an endorsement with a company as big as Orange, how did that happen, and how did you feel when you found out you were going to get endorsed?

"I was over the moon when Orange gave me a endorsement, I met up with the guys and they really liked my style of playing.

"I am also endorsed with Dark Horse Strings from the USA, and with Vanquish Guitars. I recently got a endorsement with Carl Martin, I use the Carl Martin Quattro pedal it's awesome."

You're one of the youngest guitarists we've seen to get an endorsement with a company as big as Orange, how did that happen, and how did you feel when you found out you were going to get endorsed?

"Yes I use the internet alot to promote and share my music, I have friends/fans all around the world, it has taken four years on the internet and youtube to get where i am now - just over 2,000 subscribers.

"So I guess my advice to young guitarists is keep trying and never give up on your dreams, mine is to be a session guitarist or in a successful band one day."

Which guitarist inspires you the most, and if you could choose to be able to play like one famous guitar player, who would it be?

"Which guitarist inspires me the most? That's hard! I really like Satch, Vai, Hendrix, Paul Gilbert, Jan Cryka there's so many great players out there. Eddie Van Halen and Randy Rhoads are also great guitarists.

"And I guess a great mixture of them all together would be a good style to have, I mainly play rock and blues I like most music but not into thrash or screamo."

If you could choose one guitar, any guitar in the world, to play for the rest of your life, what would it be?

"Which guitar would I choose, wow now that's hard I really like PRS I have a 513 at the moment and thats awesome. Also i'm into Teles and Strats they sound way cool."

What are your plans in terms of your music career? It looks like you are all set to be a professional musician, is that what you want to do?

"Music Career I would like to be a famous guitarist one day but thats really hard so I would probably be a session guitarist or in a awesome band."

We recently featured you as our 'Youtube Guitarist of the Week' for your cover of 'Slow Dancing in a Burning Room', the guitar tone you achieved on that recording was sublime. Tell us how you recorded it, and how long you spend playing around with the settings on your amp before you record.

"Dancing in a Burning room was recorded on my 1994 Fender Tele, with my Rockerverb 100watt MKII head and close back 4x12 cab with a Shure SM57 microphone into ProTools I put down the chords first then built up three more tracks, like fills and the vocal parts on guitar and second set of chords more like the riff I guess."

Finally Callum, thanks for talking to us, tell us what 2013 holds in store for you.

"We are all waiting to see what the film brings when it comes out this year in May we recorded two songs for the film (All Stars).

"I'm hoping to write some original songs this year and hope to get a band together."

Callum's YouTube channel

Callum's SoundCloud

Callum's backing track on JamTracks


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