Podcast: Sonic TALK 557 - My Glass Table Broke

US Live Looper, Bass Station II, Patch From Scratch      08/11/18

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64:14 mins


Rich Hilton - Chic keyboards, Nile Rodgers' studio guy
Robbie Bronnimann - producer, Howard Jones' MD
Matthew Hodson - educator, producer


We talk State of the Loop - dedicated Ableton Live Looper controller, Novation Bass Station II firmware update, Make Noise - a patch from scratch, music gear disasters (Robbie wins!)


iZotope RX7WIN iZOTOPE RX7 - Tweet #audiomagic #rx7 to @sonicstate

@iZotopeincRX has been on the forefront of innovation in audio repair since it was first released in 2007.  RX 7 adds latest in machine learning technology, giving you the power to rebalance mix elements, strip away reverb, automatically repair issues, and more.

Please check out our new Freeze Machines Racks for Ableton Live - lush, atmospheric frozen reverb textures:

Freeze Machines from Sonicstate

Notes - thanks to Marc The Darc:
1:25 - SonicTalk Live in Bristol 24/11
8:00 - KB Devices State of the Loop
18:38 - Modal Skulpt
19:14 - Novation Bass Station 2.5 firmware
27:38 - iZotope RX7 Competition
30:18 - Starting points in sound design
46:05 - My glass desk just shattered
1:00:23 - Closing remarks & goodbyes

Where to Watch/Listen - We now stream the live show to Youtube LiveFacebook Live as well as at Sonicstate.com/live every Weds at 4pm UK time- please do join in. You can also download the audio version from iTunes



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