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  PC-2 At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: early 80s?  Specifications
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Steve Pescatore writes:
Known affectionately as a 'Percussion synthesizer', this slightly-larger-than-a-stompbox pedal doesn't really sound like traditional drums, but it excels at strange percussive noises. Bleeps and bloops are its strong point. It has a trigger in jack on the back which will accept a trigger from most anything that supplies a standard one (i use a 606 to trigger it.) There is no way of controlling pitch except via a knob on the front panel, so don't expect to get any synth lines or melodies out of it (without serious external processing, that is), but it offers an extremely wide range of rather bizarre noises for something so small and cheap. Runs on a 9V battery or a standard Boss wall wart.

Comments About the Sounds:
6 knobs are the only method of altering the sounds of this little box. Sensitivity, Pitch, Decay, Sweep polarity, LFO Speed, and LFO depth. Oh, and a switch to choose square or triangle (i think) for the LFO

(Thanks to Steve Pescatore for this info.)
and Art Munson for the pic

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