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  CZ101 Synthesizer At a Glance
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Anonymous writes:
The Casio CZ-101 was unique for it's time - small, cheap, digital, MIDI and multitimbral. Although it suffers from not having a velocity sensitive keyboard, and also nothaving full size keys :(, it still was quite a powerful synthesizer with lotsof classic sounds. The memory was rather limited, having only 16 presets and 16user programs. The problem with this synthesizer (not bad for when it wasreleased though) was that it had only eight oscillators, and you could easilyuse 2 in a sounds - the result was a rather limited polyphony. Even though it'sold now, it's worth noting that you could buy about 10 of these synthesizersfor the price of a single modern workstation and you'd end up with a lot ofpower !!!

Kent Williams (! says the following about Percussion Sounds: These take some getting used to, as it's notimmediately apparent what to do. If you want pure noise-type sounds,try setting DCA-1 to a first step of rate 99 level 0 END. Then turnon noise modulation. This will get you just the noise generator. Lotsof odd timbres are available, as the timbre changes based on what waveformsyou select and the level of the DCW. It's capable of some fairly rudenoises, like blowing a sibilant "SHHH" through a rubber sheet.

Comments About the Sounds:
Very digital, but can be quite complex, due to the 8-stage envelope generators.

Links for the Casio CZ101 Synthesizer
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
The Casio room at History and technical information about Casio instruments.
Casio in Slovenija -official distributor site specifications and pictures&MIDI
Pauli Exclusion Principle (PXP) We are great fans of the Casio range - visit PXP and see
CZ Series Starter Kit Ultimate resource for CZ synth owners - Manuals, 1000's of patches w/250+ originals, guides, forms, much more!
Tracker33. Argentinian techno. Hear my CZ-101 in action!
Casio Drum Sample Archive classic drum sounds from early casios
Casio CZ Userpage (German / English). Pix, Sounds, Manuals CZs, FZs, RZs and VZs. Synth-History, SysEx-files, WAV Samples etc.
The Patch King The Best Sounds @ The Best Prices. Thousands of new sounds for over 100 Synths and Samplers. Check us out!
Sealed's Deep Synthesis Page CZ's hidden parameters, samples, SoundDiver
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