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  i30 HD At a Glance
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italo roldo writes:
I have been playing this keyboard in a band for one year. In the beginning I noticed that the sounds (digital, strings, analog) are weak... You have to edit and edit and edit, than, maybe you get a nice digital sound! When talking about analogue... duhh! Its very poor, do not buy if you want different sounds.. common sounds like guitar, strings, piano are nice. The Backing sequence is great and the sequencer too! No much to say about them cause they work great... lots and lots of features. Arrangement mode is nice too except for the Bass... VERY poor in the styles! Splitting and layering are limited too. Well, its a good workstation but it not nice for playing in a band. I say it because of my own experience of using it in a band.

Comments About the Sounds:
Well... The sounds like piano, akordeon, organ are nice, but the digital synths, strings and analogues are not.

(Thanks to italo roldo for this info.)
and Eddie for the pic

Links for the korg i30 HD
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i used before a roland g 800,and i maked some styles. I want now if i can use this arrangements on i30hd,and how? Thank you!

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