Synth Site |  Roland |  SH-7

  SH-7 At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1978  Specifications
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Nicholas Bureau writes:
Now this is a synth! Not quite as versatile as an ARP 2600, but certainly up there in terms of possibilities of sound creation. If you come across one, don't hesitate. The way I see it, this is the top of the SH line, with independant ring mod, noise source, two envelopes, a sort of sub oscillator on osc 1 (very strange, that), S/H, and a bevy of other goodies. Mucho possibilities, mucho power.

Comments About the Sounds:
The oscillators are nice and fat, in a japanese way (anyone who's worked with analogues will know what I mean - It's not an insult!) Lots of deep growling basses and oodles of weird, ominous sounds can be summoned forth with a few tweaks.

(Thanks to Nicholas Bureau for this info.)
and Marek Krakowski for the pic

Links for the Roland SH-7
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
FREE SH7 SAMPLES Free samples to download
RARE Roland SH-7 ! ! ! This ULTRA RARE Roland SH-7 Synth in Excellent Con'd is up for grabs ! Excellent sounding with 2 VCOs, 2 ADSR EGs, Ring Mod and Lots More Extras ! with Roland Hard-Case US$1200
MIDI to CV/gate converter for Roland
MIDI Interfaces for old analog Synths! MIDI Interface for old analog retro Synths like TB-303, TR-606, SH-101 ,.... Watch out!! NEW!!!

Try the Roland links page for more..

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