NAMM: New OS for 02R96 - Add-On DSP Stuff

US Studio Manager upgraded, plus five add-on effects packages      23/01/04

NAMM: New OS for 02R96 - Add-On DSP Stuff
Yamaha's new boxes 'o tricks

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In Yamaha’s spacious Marriott room – more like a warehouse actually, the impressive looking 02R96 sat beneath a placard announcing V2 software. This latest upgrade comes alongside five add-on effects packages. Interestingly, there is spare DSP capability on the 02R96 so this has been utilized with the addition five plug-ins. A little bird also told me that there is spare capacity on the 01V96 too….. Compatible for both Mac OS X and Windows 2000/XP platforms, both V2 and the effects packages represent significant upgrades for the preconfigured internal and Studio Manager software of the 02R96. V2 software includes almost 50 new features, including Studio Manager V2, expanded DAW control, application-specific functions and the capability to run the new add-on effects packages. The Version 2 Upgrade Kit (MSRP $300) will be available in March 2004, and provides improved editing, librarian and remote control functions for the Yamaha 02R96 while retaining the user’s ability to control all console parameters from a computer via a graphic interface. Functions are displayed on-screen in logical, easy-to-understand pages. Studio Manager V2 provides a platform of total system recall where multiple, compatible-format products are being used (for example, multiple 02R96 or SPX2000 units). “The Yamaha 02R96 has become a real standard for all types of recording and mixing applications,” states Wayne Hrabak, marketing manager, Yamaha Professional Audio. “With the addition of V2 software, users will be able to enjoy even greater flexibility, performance and functionality.” The Reverb package, AE31 (MSRP $499), includes the advanced REV-X algorithm from the Yamaha SPX2000. Programs include REV-X HALL, REV-X ROOM and REV-X PLATE. Channel Strip, AE11 (MSRP $499), includes two new mono/stereo compressors and a six-band parametric EQ, each modeled after a combination of popular devices. Master Strip, AE21 (MSRP $499) features OpenDeck, a tape deck emulator that allows the user to select the ‘record’ and ‘reproduction’ decks, plus tape speed and type, independently. For musical instrument applications, the Vintage Stomp package features the sounds of phasing stomp boxes, including Max100, Vintage Phaser and Dual Phaser. For audio post production or ADR applications, the Surround Post package includes Room ER, a surround room simulator for early reflections; Auto Doppler (Doppler effect); and Field Rotation, which will rotate the perspective of entire 5.1 fields. For more information on V2 software and add-on effects packages
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