Weird World: Studio in a Piano

US BabyGrandMaster stuffs DJ/VJ gear into a piano      24/04/07

Weird World: Studio in a Piano

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The first question that immediately sprung to mind was "Why?". Why indeed. But if you feel the urge to take a whole bunch of DJ/VJ kit, amp and speakers and shoe horn them into a white laquered baby grand piano case, then this is the unit for you. It would certainly turn a few heads at gigs, though don’t book anywhere with stairs.
    In the box:
  • Dual Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD Players
  • Edirol V-4 Video Mixer
  • 3 Marshal LCD Monitors
  • Slot loading assembly
  • Ultra reflective white projection surface
  • Allen and Heath Xone 92 Audio Mixer
  • Dual 15" Subwoofers
  • 18" Subwoofer
  • 12" Subwoofer
  • 3 Bullet Tweeters
  • AB 1100 Watt Power Amplifier
If you want to customize it further, you can opt for hydraulic control of the lid and legs (you know you want to) or go for the full concert grand version. But if you want to play the actual piano – that's the bit that is missing.

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