Sonic State Studio / Audio Software /
 The Sound Guy, Inc. SFX Machine At a Glance  
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arrowReleased:  arrowVersion: 1.55
arrowRated: Not Reviewedarrow Add review:  (0)
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arrowSoftware: Win XP, Mac, OSX,
arrow Plugin formats: Premiere. Audio Units. RTAS
Earl Vickers writes:
SFX Machine is an award-winning Premiere-format multi-effects plug-in for the Mac, including a powerful modular synthesis engine for creating your own effects.

Good Points
Excellent tool for sound designers. The price has been dropped from $300 to $25.

 The Sound Guy, Inc. SFX Machine Specifications:

Digital IOs:

Max tracks: 2
Maximum Resolution:16 or 24 bits (in Peak 2.x)

 SFX Machine Links

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