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 SPL Stereo Q At a Glance   arrowMiscellaneous News(9)  
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arrowReleased: 2000  arrowVersion: 0.00
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Fat Elvis writes:
True stereo EQ unit with one set of controls. It has three overlapping fully parametric bands, low, mid and high, plus a sub band and an air band both with one-knob control and a stereo width enhancer.

Good Points
Having one set of controls means that there is no fiddling about lining up separate knobs for each channel so the exact same EQ is applied to both left and right. The EQ is effective and sounds good. Having separate sub and air bands means that you can use these to add general top and bottom while using their adjacent bands to emphasise a narrower band of frequencies or remove anything causing problems in the range. The parametric bands offer plenty of control and have 'proportional Q' which means that treatment of broader bands of frequencies is gentler than that applied to narrower bands, which equates pretty much to how the ear perceives sound and does sound quite natural. The stereo width enhancer does the business but, as with all such things, messes with the phase and causes mono compatibility problems if used on too wide a setting.
Bad Points
You can use it to EQ two separate mono sounds only if they require exactly the same EQ settings.

 SPL Stereo Q Specifications:

Digital IOs:

Analog IOs:
Balanced XLR's
5 bands, low, mid, high parametrics, shelving sub band, bell shaped air band

 Stereo Q Links

Stereo Q - short info

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