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 Smart AV Smart Console E48, E72, E96 At a Glance   arrowMiscellaneous News(9)  
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arrowReleased: 10 September 2004  arrowVersion: 0.00
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Robert Smallwood writes:
The Smart AV Smart Console is a new breed of audio control surface. (Old breeds are long console and assignable console) It interfaces to a myriad of digital engines and delivers a five to eight-fold improvement in ergonomic efficiency.

Good Points
Five to eight times more ergonomically efficient than any other console control surface on the market. Allows the engineer to perform mixes without moving from the centre of the sound field and to select groups or individual channels by was of a touch sensitive selector strip. When selected, groups or individual channels instantly appear in fron of the engineeer. Zero eye movement interrogation of all channels.

 Smart AV Smart Console E48, E72, E96 Specifications:

Digital IOs:
Depends on digital engine used
Analog IOs:
Depends on digital engine used
Midi IOs:
Not relevant
Other IOs:
Depends on digital engine used
Busses/Subgroups: Depends on digital engine used
Aux sends: Depends on digital engine used
Maximum Resolution:Depends on digital engine used
Depends on digital engine used
Any, depends on digital engine used
Depends on digital engine used
Software supported:
Apple Logic Pro 7; Klotz Digital; Merging Pyramix; SADiE; Yamaha
Any, depends on digital engine used

 Smart Console E48, E72, E96 Links

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