MESSE: Access Release Collectable Indigo II

US The limited edition Indigo II Redback signature edition      05/03/03

MESSE: Access Release Collectable Indigo II
Mmm, dark, creamy and collectable

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To celebrate the release of Virus OS 6.0 those canny folks at Access have designed a special edition of the stunning Indigo II (see our review). The stylish dark model will be available for a limited numbers only - we're told around 500 only, will be sold at around 100euros/$ below the Indigo II cost and be personally signed by the co-creators of the Access range. Methinks there may be some Ebay traders snapping them up to auction at their leisure.. OS new 6.0 features a new range of arpeggio patterns, "Puretune" adaptive tuning and new parameter control shortcuts. For more info:
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