WNAMM12: Buchla 200E Skylab Introduced

US A more affordable modular from Buchla      31/01/12

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    MP4 5:51 mins

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I guess the big news is that Buchla Associates has been bought out by  Buchla Electronic Musical Instruments  - a company formed to put more resources into the Buchla brand and keep on innovating. They promise to extend the range and bring the Buchla to a wider audience (which might mean more affordable). With SM Pro Audio's Danny Olesh on the board, we fully expect to see some major innovation - the man is a bit of a genius when it comes to designing audio gear.

Also announced was the new Buchla Skylab 200E modular system, a more affordable system, which still retains the ability to store patches. This one is small enough to take on a plane - presumably your own private jet, lets not forget that these systems are the cream of modular technology and have a cost to match - around $15k for the Skylab. 

The official announcement was covered in one of our other videos from NAMM, but we couldn't resist a bit of Buchla action when we were offered a look at the Buchla Skylab 200E. We look forward to a lot more from Buchla in the future.

Skylab System Contents


  • 1 Model 201e-3 Passive Frame
  • 1 Model 201e-10 Powered Cabinet
  • 1 Model 207e Mixer / Mike Preamp
  • 1 Model 223e Tactile Input Port (4 panel units)
  • 1 Model 225e Midi Decoder/Preset Manager
  • 1 Model 251e Quad Sequential Voltage Source
  • 1 Model 259e Twisted Waveform Generator
  • 1 Model 261e Complex Waveform Generator
  • 1 Model 267e Uncertainty Source/Dual Filter
  • 1 Model 281e Quad Function Generator
  • 1 Model 285e Freq Shifter / Balanced Modulator
  • 1 Model 292e Quad Dynamics Manager







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