Synth Site |  Arp |  2600 semi-modular

  2600 semi-modular At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1970  Specifications
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Adam Aurex writes:
The 2600 is a normalized modular which means it has a preset signal path similar to most integrated synths.. this can be overridden via mini-jacks and extensive patching can take place the keyboard is separate and can be either mono or duophonic, the duo version having an inbuilt LFO with delay.. otherwise one of the three VCOs has to be dropped into low frequency mode . the system unit at least has proven to be a reliable beast, but the keyboards can be troublesome, it is far better to drive the thing with a MIDI-CV converter from a touch sensitive synth such as an M1 or MK2 DX7, this gives far better control. the 2600 has amongst the most stable oscillators found on analog synths, and tracks the keyboard well, this adds to the advantage of using a Midi converter, assigning aux outputs to the VCA and VCF from the converter gives excellent response and full touch sensitivity should the converter have the sufficient ports. Overall the 2600 is the bargain of the modular end of the market.. watch out for broken sliders, they`re better quality then on the Odyssey/Axxe but can still be damaged and can be stiff. Like all ARP synths don`t expect it to sound like a Moog, they are incredibly powerful, but in an ARP family way the 2600 is to the Odyssey what the Moog-35 is to the Minimoog..

Kelly : An excellent choice for analog enthusiasts, the 2600 provides an easy to follow, block diagrammed face plate with 1/8" patch points available for every function. The instrument features internal pre-patching (normalisation) allowing operation of the intrument without manual patching. The instruction manual includes a chapter on general synthesis and is a very valuable source of information. The 2600 is built into it's own flight case, is relatively light (42lbs), and is a stable and rugged unit. Once commonly used in schools, the 2600 is the ideal learning synthesiser, with functions to serve it into the professional ranks.

Sonic says: These are fast becoming the equivalent to honest politicians - ie: very hard to come by..
In the UK at least these are going for anything up to 2000ukp and are considered to be very desirable - partly because they are indeed modular but also normalled - basically, you don't need 100 patch cords to get a sine wave at the output.

Comments About the Sounds:
Best for strange FX, excellent modulation, (FM/Ring etc), virtually limitless potential due to patchbay system with external devices

(Thanks to Adam Aurex for this info.)

Links for the Arp 2600 semi-modular
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
The ARP room at the Synthmuseum - the largest online museum of vin
The 2600 service center at CMS CMS specializes in repairs and upgrades for the ARP 2600. Replacement parts and submodules also available.
Virtual Music Keyboard Service Kit Resource site for the ARP 2600 - Info, downloads, pictures, worldwide register, etc., etc.
COLOGNE MINIMAL TECHHOUSE listen to the fantastic synth arp 2600
MIDI CV/gate converters for ARP
sound arp end moor info off sound
MIDI Interfaces for old analog Synths! MIDI Interface for old analog retro Synths like TB-303, TR-606, SH-101 ,.... Watch out!! NEW!!!
Royalty Free Techno Music The tracks 2600 Fires and 2600 Drones on this page use t he ARP 2600. Listen to them to get an idea of the sound.
ARP 2600 sub modules. New batch of sub-modules available, includes 4027 VCO, plus 4015 sample/hold. PLUS 4075 Odyssey III vcf (also used in ARP OMNI)

Try the Arp links page for more..

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