Superbooth 2023: This Is Not Rocket Science - Bopp And Steve

US Deconstructed spatial effect module      11/05/23

We spoke to Stijn from This Is Not Rocket Science at Superbooth 2023, who showed us their new flagship module called Bopp and Steve Deconstructed Spatial Effect. The module is a combination of a reverb, delay, pitch shifter, and diffuser, all mixable and matchable to create a customized reverb. The signal input hits a diffuser for early reflections, a delay for pre-delay, and a reverb tail for a glossy reverb with a shimmer effect. There's also a chord pitch shifter which can be controlled with polyphonic MIDI pitch shifting for playing chords with reverb tails.

Although it is still currently in development, Bopp and Steve is already festooned with 16 knobs, a bunch of CVs, and promises more effects to come, including more reverb tail types.

Available: Winter 2023. Price: around 440 Euros

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